Table of contents
- C# - Alertmails & HTML template
- C# - App.config Usersettings
- C# - Autoincrement AssemblyVersion
- C# - Check if in time scope
- C# - Delegate and EventHandler
- C# - Dependency Injection
- C# - JSON (de)serialization
- C# - LogInitializer Serilog example
- C# - Logging in libraries, NullLogger
- C# - Logging, DI, NullLogger
- C# - Mark a method as obsolete
- C# - Migrate to SDK style project
- C# - Namespace
- C# - Outlook VSTO AddIn
- C# - Preprocessor directives
- C# - Project .props & .targets
- C# - Project PostBuild batch
- C# - Project file dependency
- C# - Rest API Key Auth
- C# - SQLite Dapper Demo
- C# - SQLite Entity Framework Demo
- C# - Settings.Settings designer file bug
- C# - Targetframework combinations
- C# - Windows EventLog
- C# - Windows Service
- C# - Windows Username
- C# - Write win eventLog entry
- C# - XUnit Test and memberData
- C# - appsettings and environments
- C# - appsettings from PATH EnvVar
- C# - appsettings overwrite app.config
- C# - catch multiple exception types
- C# - catch sql exceptions
- C# - gRPC Demo
- C# - lock statement